Video Production for
DA Architects + Planners
Introduce DA Architechts + Planners’ core values (craftmanship, collaboration, placemaking).
Version 1
3~5 minute video with interviews from the selected members of the organization.
Version 2
< 1 minute. A short highlight reel of b-rolls from Version 1 that focuses on the legacy projects and teamwork environment
< 1 minute. A short highlight reel of b-rolls from Version 1, that shows a progression of a project from start to finish.

Start with the best exterior shot of a legacy project.
Excerpt from an interview that makes a good introduction statement

Cut to the person that’s delivering the intro line from the previous shot

Cut to a “DA Architects + Planners” logo in the main lobby.
Interview: a line that starts like “at DA Architects + Planners” or “we are DA Architects + Planners”….

Example 1: Team meeting

Example 2: sketching together

Ex3: working together at workstations

ex4: meeting with clients

Detail shot of sketching

Detail shot of working on computer

show 3d models, and team discussing over it

show construction. Maybe a timelapse. Considering use of stock footage if needed.

Show the finished project in its best form

A finished project with people using the place. (Has to be a public space)

Use of places but in more personal level. May consider using stand in talents for these shots

End with group facing the camera. Consider taking in small segments in different location if the group is too big.

Shooting Plans
Day 1: Interviews, b-rolls at the office
Day 2: Selective project locations for b-rolls.